Location: Village of Kranevo, Municipality Balchik, Dobrich region
Altitude: 81 m
Population: 1170 people.
Distance from the center of Varna: 24 km
Distance to resort Albena: 5 km
The distance to the resort “Golden Sands”: 8 km
Implemented a bus connection to the cities of: Balchik, Kavarna, Varna and Dobrich.
The village is situated on the beach, near the village of the river Kranevska.
In an area parallel to the tourism, develop horticulture, cultivation of vegetables and grapes.
Coastal beach line – a wide, covered with sand, the sea bottom near the shore – with a weak slope. In the southern part of the beach is the National Children’s Complex.
Climate – the sea, with a weak continental influence. From May to September in sunny and warm summer temperatures vary in the range +26 .. +36 º C.
Fully object can be used as:
A.) 22 double room with space for the erection of a hotel or residential building with a WHR of about 3000 sq.m.
B) as a hotel with space for the construction of additional hotel part with a WHR of about 3000 sq.m.
The distance from the proposed site to the beach: 120 m
Total land area: 2577 sq.m.
Built-up land area: 1045 sq.m.
The site is fenced (length of fence is 206 meters) and is fully offset.
Part of the plot – nezastroena, built on the elevated part of the shopping center and restaurant.
• 22 double rooms 21 of which with an area of 18 sq.m. (Hall, warehouse and sanirany site with shower), and 1 – to 60 sq.m. (2 warehouse and 2 bathrooms).
In the summer of 2009, these facilities have been rehabilitated and used as living rooms for tourists.
• The restaurant consists of a basement that hosts the kitchen, and floors that hosts the zone for visitors.
o The kitchen is fully equipped with restaurants, including an elevator for lifting up ready meals and the second – for the return of used dishes. Indoor kitchen installed production line mark “Torgoterm” (in euro, a manufacturer of professional equipment for kitchens, there since 1965, products are exported to Holland, Germany, Ukraine, France, Italy, Israel, Austria, Romania), including testomesku , vegetable slicers, oven, stove frying cutlets, dishwasher. Centralized hot water, aspiration system.
o Area for visitors consists of several parts:
restaurant, where tables are arranged for clients, granite slab, which rolled out the dough for pizza, barbecue and oven,
indoor and outdoor terrace,
sky bar (open rooftop terrace restaurant) with a total area of 230 m, equipped with a bar and pizzeria
area in the courtyard with tables where a large barbecue and equipped with another wave
The facility was commissioned and in operation since June 2006
Onsite planted green areas (for irrigation in the area has its own well) and a playground. Facilities for staff are provided with sanitary facilities.
The facility is connected to the telephone network and the Internet.
On the site there is also its own transformer substation, whose power is sufficient to supply as part of the trade and restaurant and hotel or residential building, which can be built on the site.
On the undeveloped portion of the site is designed PUP (a detailed plan for the device), signed by the architect DIMCHEVO, with the parameters: the height of buildings – 12 meters, building intensity factor Kint = 2, WHR – 3,000 sq.m.
The plot is sold with the conceptual design developed for the construction of hotels in the area with a fully finished documents.
The total built-up area of the site could reach 7000 meters