Роскошные апартаменты на берегу моря, Нет комиссии от покупателя, Luxury apartments on the beach, no commission from the buyer
470 000 EUR

Investment plot for 80 apartments on the sea

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Land in the center of the village Kranevo, plots 700 meters from the sea , near Balchik . The property is 3140 m2 developed a project for low-rise apartment complex ( three-storey ) buildings. The property is oriented east – west. The terrain is flat . The region is made necessary technical infrastructure.
The buildings are designed in accordance with the requirements of the current development plan , as three separate volumes arranged perpendicular to the longitudinal axis / north – south / Property . The buildings in the complex conditions of free zastroyavane.Spazeni requirements for minimum distances between them.
Standby is the builder company for the construction of buildings
The property is facing two streets. This allows you to organize two independent approaches to the plot.
At ground level are designed 42 garage.
Landscape design provides 24 parking spaces , paths with garden lighting and lush greenery . Parking areas are designed flooring raster openwork concrete plates.
 In buildings designed 80 apartments of varying size and configuration . Prevail bedroom apartments. Common to all housing is open plan to the living room decision housing and large terraces .
Two of the buildings have three floors , and the third has two .
Indicators are met urban – density 60% intensity – 1,2 .
The number of dwellings in the buildings is as follows:
 Building 1-34 apartments / possible 36ap . /
 Building 2-34 apartments / possible 36ap . /
 Building 3-12 apartments
The design of the building is modern , with strong volumes , free of unnecessary details . The exterior solution is rich in sculpture and comparison of horizontal and vertical elements, demashtabirat individual volumes , giving them a human dimension and create a feeling of peace and comfort of the environment in which they are located.
Standby is the builder company for the construction of buildings

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