cafe Sofia
1. The restaurant has been operating for three years. The room is 82 square meters, and was organized events accommodating up to 150 people. Work a total of 4 people, two of them are business owners and two staff. It has a sidewalk right. Opening hours are from 8:00 to 24:00.
2. The average monthly turnover varies between BGN 6,000 and 8,000 / 3076-4102 euro,
of which remains a net profit of BGN 2,000 to 4,000 / 1 025-2 050 euro, depending on the cost.
3. More photos you can see our page on Facebook – ******
4. The cost of the entire business (including full equipment inventory loaded goods company and permits) amounted to BGN 59,000 / € 30,250 /
5. The rent is currently 700 lev / 360 euro /, as this issue will speak with the owner of the room.
Inventory of equipment:
Massive bar (some of them from walnut), table, two sinks, 16 bar chairs 7 stools, wooden racks, a large aquarium, a wide variety of alcoholic drinks, 2 juice machines, 3 fridge (Company representatives), 1 freezer, security installation, 2 surveillance cameras, cups, hangers, decoration, 2 Speakers, mixer DJ, bass column, computer, cash register, safe, indoor and outdoor benches, pillows and more.