Роскошные апартаменты на берегу моря, Нет комиссии от покупателя, Luxury apartments on the beach, no commission from the buyer
680 000 EUR

Rose oil! extraction of oil from roses

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Distillery for the production of essential oils and extracts
Assets and are:
   1. site:
    Has all the necessary papers , projects, permits and documents in order to function .
 The property is 2458 m2 consists of:
a) Part- production area 405m2
b ) bit – part area of ​​350 m2 ,
c) steam and naphtha – 58m2 ,
d ) cover 80m2 .
Site borders the regulation of the village farmyard and river .
The village has no sewer and septic tanks. The object is supplied with electricity, Promoshlena and domestic water. Access road from the main asphalt road to the site is 200 meters in length no permanent surface – there was no need ever to improve .
   2 . subject : Irrigation of Rose oil pipeline to PI 409001iPI 409 005 in the village Sarnegor municipality Municipality. Plumbing is about 2 km and takes water from production, while cooled and becomes fit for irrigation .
An approved project page permission and put into operation.
   3 . PI 409 001 – 6170m2 , PI 409005 and PI – 2331m2 – 5799m2 380,008 in the village Sarnegor municipality Municipality. The properties are watering and fertilizing with water and marc production .
No mortgages and encumbrances ! Within a radius of 15-20 km is about 600-700 acres rose plants as 200 acres of land in the village. The settlement
is the most suitable areas of rose plants and there are many free fallow areas.
In a larger radius of about 50 km has planted over 1,500 acres . Yield per hectare about 300 400 kg . – For optimal organization for 24 hours may be processed in rose oil about 17 tons pink . When yield of 3 tons Pink per 1 kg of oil is that the 24 hours may produce about 5.5 kg of butter . Distillery is equipped with 2 large distillate and 6 t 7 t 2 distillate . Two 6 -ton distillate suited for extraction ( production rose concrete ) . 24 hours may be revised to 5.5 tons pink
  15 kg concrete . In a long campaign around
25 days of a campaign can be processed 425 tons and Pink
produced about 140 kg oil. A second option is the sale of tangible fixed assets – only distillery and the adjacent playground .
In 2013 was rented to a French company that has produced 40 kg of rose oil for 15 days work load and below average ability. Previously four years was rented.

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