Market valuation of € 353,300
Agricultural business – horticulture
Northern Bulgaria, Shumen region
Plum orchard – 58,331 sq.m of eight years from planting built with drip irrigation.
Walnut garden – 55 121 sq.m including 33,607 sq.m of eight years of sowing and 21,514 sq.m of six years from planting.
The two gardens are separated by time and self surrounded by a fence of a network of about 2200 m and an inner side of the fence is planted with hips of five years from planting, equivalent to 7000-8000 sq.m.
In plum garden: electricity, drinking water storage containers, refrigerated vans, water tanks 100 m3.
Administrative building 130 m2 and 62 m2 garage suitable for year-round living.
Full technical equipment independently manufacture:
- Tractor PASQUALI m-l ORION 7.85AR,
- Tractor chain Bulgar TK64,
- Tractor chain Bulgar TK54,
- Italian Ovoshtarska sprayer UNIGREEN EXPO l m-402 P,
- Forklift framework CALDERONI m l CHR-15/250,
- Disc harrow Dawn m-l-DB2.1 HSN: 330
- Deflection cutter Italian,
- Shteder – 2m. Muchiri and for green manure,
- Tank “Spartacus”
- Load trailer 3 t.,
- Paletovoz
- Chisel
- Plough
- Milling and other
Sold throughout the agricultural business, which is organized as a sole proprietorship