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New Factory canned the Euro standards


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The factory is located in the central part of Bulgaria. Produces the following products: chutney, sweet konfiryuri, tomato pasta, antipasti, pesto, vegetable pates and preserves.

Or as follows:

Cans – 86 items

Sweet – 20 species


The company has a trademark under which it produces its main products. In Bulgaria, the distribution is entrusted to a national distributor The factory works with commercially Large chains. You can jam to produce 20 tons per day (100 people)

As 10 million jars of preserved -0.720 kg 0.314 kg. – Year Or 7200 tons per year

The company has exported to: Turkey, Germany, Canada, America, Russia, Holland, Romania

Staff :80-100 Human summer reach 2000 people (mostly employed in the harvesting of produce from the field)

There are 3 lines Jar Canned The machines are manufactured in Italy and Germany Sartifitsiran system is:

HACCP , ISO 9000

The plant is built to European standards of quality prez1997g. Area of 13,000 square meters factory, Area -5000 sq

The plant has a new co-generation plant that runs on steam and gas production: 4 tons of steam per hour, 6MB electricity per hour.

Has its own treatment plant as well as 60 ton weighbridge

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