The price of the company is on the company and all licenses. Licenses for digital terrestrial broadcasting. TV has many music programs and partners, including international.
National Over-the-air Television 1 was established from 2. and is being broadcasted since the beginning of 1997 – initially with the name 1. From 20.04.2005 the television was acquired by new owners – 2 and from 01.06.2006г. the channel has new name and brand which is 2.
2 is being broadcasted via many different channels like:
- Cable networks in the country
- Online worldwide via the web site of the television: *-*
- Via major IPTV companies in Bulgaria
From 21.05.2010 National Over-the-air Television 2 won a tender for License for television channels distribution via networks for terrestrial digital broadcasting with national coverage, which is an absolute success and major strategic step proving the company policy to be a leader in latest technology implementations as well
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